Left to Right: Lisha, Bradley, Laurie & Greg Newhall
The Newhall Family Ranch
Animal Welfare Approved • Certified Organic
We are a family owned, polyculture, regenerative meat ranch in Ellensburg, Washington run by two generations of ranchers: Greg and Laurie, along with their son Bradley and daughter-in-law Lisha. Each of us came to this remarkable place from different professional backgrounds, but with a shared vision of providing folks and their families with flavorful, nourishing proteins that are ethically raised and free from drugs, chemicals and fillers found in factory farmed foods.
The Scene
When folks come to visit Windy N Ranch, it's not unusual to hear, "Wow, this view is breathtaking!" Indeed it is. Situated atop a bluff due north of Thorp, Windy N Ranch sits on nearly 200 acres of irrigated pasture land offering sweeping views of the Kittitas valley to the south, the Cascades to the west, rolling hills to the north, and Ellensburg and beyond to the east.
In the best of winter, it's covered by a blanket of shimmering white snow. In summer and spring, the ranch is bustling with emerald grass and trees that sway in the busy winds, dots of black Wagyu cattle, lazy pigs, puffs of white sheep, wily goats, roaming hens, fluffy Great Pyranees and Anatolian guard dogs and a couple colorful, strutting peacocks. The fall, of course, offers a rainbow of mesmerizing earthy hues. It's our little slice of heaven!
Our Ethos
We believe that these animals that nourish us deserve dignity and compassion, and strive to utilize the highest standards in animal husbandry and the humane treatment of animals, from curved shoots championed by animal behaviorist Temple Grandin to the absence of fear-inducing implements like cattle prods. In fact, nearly all of our animals are certified Animal Welfare Approved, which helps us stay current on the most compassionate means of raising animals from their first day to their last.
Ranch Practices
Here at Windy N Ranch, we like to do things the old fashion way, after the advent of fuel powered tractors, of course, but before dusty feed lots and conglomerates overwhelmed the industry. We only raise enough animals that we can comfortably sustain while practicing regenerative farming techniques that will preserve this lovely land for generations to come.
We raise all of our animals on about 200 acres of Certified Organic pastures where they are free to roam and feast on Ellensburg’s famed pasture grasses during the growing season and baled hay in winter. Animals that cannot subsist on grass alone (pigs and poultry) are fed an organic blend of organic dry grains (no corn or soy) and minerals that we grind in our own hammer mill.
✔️No mRNA Vaccines ✔️No antibiotics ✔️No hormones or steroids
✔️ No stimulants ✔️No herbicides or pesticides ✔️corn & soy free feed
Take a Tour
Tours of our ranch are highly encouraged! We believe that meeting face to face with folks and allowing them to see firsthand what, how and why we do things here at Windy N Ranch is crucial to establishing trust with our customers. You are what you eat, after all—why shouldn’t you know where your food comes from? Individuals, families and groups are all welcome.